Razorgrad News

for University of Arkansas Graduate Students

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The Northwest Arkansas Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Council will hold its 22nd annual Recommitment Banquet at 7 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 15, in the Fayetteville Town Center as the final event in the local celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The theme this year is “MLK50 Forward: Together we win with love for humanity.”

Joseph “Joey” Daniels III will receive the Rodney Momon Youth/Young Adult Award. This award is given in recognition of a youth or young adult who has exemplified strong character, leadership and service to the community.

Joseph W. Daniels III is a native of Silver Spring, Maryland, and a graduate of North Carolina A&T State University, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He is currently pursuing his doctorate in civil engineering at the University of Arkansas. He is conducting research on heated pavement systems with a focus on airfield pavements.

At the University of Arkansas, Daniels served two terms as president of the Black Graduate Student Association. He has also served on the Graduate Dean Student Advisory Board, assisted in graduate school recruitment, and currently serves on the All-University Academic Integrity Board. He was awarded the Alex Marino Service Award, as part of the U of A Graduate Student Congress awards, for his outstanding service to the University of Arkansas and Fayetteville at large.

Source: MLK Recommitment Banquet to Honor Five; Local Pastor to Speak