Razorgrad News

for University of Arkansas Graduate Students

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Happenings on the Hill

Refuel & recharge in the CDC on campus

Graduating this fall? Check out the Graduate Salute

Volunteer with Make A Difference Day this weekend, October 28!

DYK? Use HogSync to find student groups & events

Funding Updates

Travel Grants Now Available to First-Year Graduate Students

Graduate School travel grants are now available for first-year graduate students. These grants are designed to help defray costs incurred by graduate students traveling to a conference or professional meeting to present their research conducted at the University of Arkansas. Completed applications should be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the travel. For more information and how to apply, see https://graduate-recruitment.uark.edu/costs-and-funding/travel-grants.php.

Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Deadline Approaching

The CLS is a fully-funded intensive language program offered at overseas centers during the summer for American undergraduate and graduate students. It is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Applications are due November 15, 2017 by 7:59pm EST. Letters of recommendation are due on November 20.
CLS Program Overview: https://youtu.be/YwN8qQTYmJI
Tips for Writing a Successful Application: https://youtu.be/Mvb6luXq2BE


Graduate Student Lounge

Need a quiet place to study? Check out the graduate student lounge in Gearhart hall 206. The lounge never closes so as long as you can access Gearhart hall, you are welcome to use this space.

Stay Connected with #uofagradlife

Find the graduate school and international education on Facebook and Twitter. Look for our hashtags, #uofagradlife and #razorgrads, to share news and events on social media.

Share Your News and Events With Us!

Have something you’d like to share in the next newsletter? Email us at gradsupp@uark.edu.